Good advice,

I never wrote longer texts before coming to Sstack, first 4 weeks I was having few thoughts along lines of :

- What if I do not have topic in my mind for next week ?

- What if I ran out of ideas ?

- Where to get things to write about ?

Then after 4 weeks of creating text with knowledge that is important for ones improvement, I tried to sit down and instead of engagin in ' writers block ' , whenever I need topic to write about I use ' topic block '.

Works the same but You focus - what topics / wisdom / matter You think is worth being seen by people.

What it is that helped me and others, inspired or made everything better for many.

Sometime write just about what gets You going - passion, interests and what gives You enjoy doing.

You saw my first try at this ' topic blk - brainstorm - ideas block ' - I sat for 5-10 mins - In silence, patient, and I came up with 10 medium and deep topics that will give a lot of value and foundation for many ; basically I've got material for next 2 + months of work.

Also I have notepad In my office/room and in car - if any idea comes knocking on door.

I hope it helps to anyone who struggle with coming up with ideas.

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Thank you!

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I never thought about overcoming writers block by writing about the problem itself. That's a great tip to get your brain working. Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you!

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The most useful for me is always to write about the problem. It seems to get my creative mind flowing again!

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Reading was the key for me. I started with reading a lot on Medium, now I read minimalist books.

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